Teachers reward and recognise students who follow the rules in a variety of ways. All classes follow our all star reward system. Each teacher may design and implement another positive consequence system in their classroom, which is appropriate for the context of the class they teach. Rewards may include:
- Verbal praise
- Stickers/stamps
- Spot awards
- Whole class reward system.
Teachers may also use other strategies such as writing a special letter or making a special phone call/seesaw notification to parents/carers.
Students are rewarded in the playground with raffle tickets. At the end of each week 4 raffle tickets are drawn and these students receive a canteen voucher.
Whole school award system
The school's merit awards system is cumulative. Students are able to use awards given in previous years (starting from 2011) to obtain a bronze, silver, gold or platinum award.
Merit award system
- 5 merit awards = bronze
- 10 merit awards = silver
- 15 merit awards = gold
- 20 merit awards = platinum
Any student whose behaviour breaches school rules may have their award/s (bronze or higher) withheld for a duration, as determined by an executive member and in consultation with the Principal.
Students are also rewarded at various times throughout the year to recognise academic, sporting or involvement in other initiatives. One major day of recognition is the school's presentation day, where commitment and effort to learning, academic, sporting, citizenship and achievements are rewarded.
NB: Lost awards will not be replaced so students and parents/carers should store awards securely.
Reward day
Students who show positive behaviour are invited to participate in a PBL reward day event, which is allocated at the end of each term. In order to attend the event, students must:
- have less than 3 incidents within the term resulting in reflection room.
- have no warnings of suspension.
- have no suspensions.
Students who do not meet the above criteria are expected to participate in a meaningful social skills lesson held by an executive staff member.